It makes sense that if you are filing for bankruptcy, you aren’t in a position to pay a fortune to an attorney to help you do it. Some people turn to a lawyer who will do it for a few hundred dollars, while others try to navigate the process on their own. But our Colorado...Read More
broken Piggy bank smashed into pieces with hammer and small or loose change euro coins Nearly half of all Americans aren’t able to save up as much money as they should, often necessitating debt relief in Southern Colorado and elsewhere in the country. This is according to a recent poll which found about 45 percent...Read More
You may just now be settling down with the idea that your child is actually in college. He or she is probably getting in the swing of classes, exams and group projects. But one area of study that college students as a whole routinely flunk is credit card savvy. Too often, our Colorado Springs Chapter 7...Read More