Why Not Hire a Debt Resolution Agency?

Why Not Hire a Debt Resolution Agency?

You see and hear them everywhere — advertisements promising to reduce or eliminate your debts.

Some of these debt resolution agencies may be legitimate, but most agencies do not have the in-depth knowledge or the legal ability needed to fully protect the interests of their clients. Before you sign on with a debt resolution agency, you should compare what they can do versus what a bankruptcy attorney can do.

Be Wary of Debt Resolution Agencies

If you are not careful, you can dig yourself a much deeper hole than the one you are in now. Before you work with a debt resolution agency or petition preparer, get the facts.

Debt resolution agencies are financial counselors who for the most part are unlicensed and uncertified. They fall into two general categories:

  • Consumer Credit Counselors — in this model, the agency provides counseling in financial management techniques and consolidates a person’s debts into one monthly payment. There is one major problem with this approach — not all creditors may be onboard, and even those that are can take action at anytime to obtain a judgment against you. This leaves you with no legal protection.
  • “Trash-Your-Credit” Agencies — these agencies collect a monthly payment that is put in a trust account. When there is sufficient money in the account, debts are paid off. Not all creditors may agree to the plan, and many creditors will grow impatient waiting for payment. You are unprotected during this time, and many creditors will seek a judgment against you.

Let us help you!

Remember, you don’t have to go it alone.  We will be there to guide you every step of the way.

Call : (719) 520-0164

Mon – Fri 9:00am – 5:00pm


There really is light at the end of the tunnel

... and NO, it's not a train!

In fact, it is a FRESH START.  A new beginning, so to speak.  A chance to wipe the slate clean, and start over.
Once you understand more about discharging debts in bankruptcy, you’ll likely find that using 
Chapter 7 to eliminate debts you’re struggling to pay is just what you need to get a fresh financial start.

We hold your hand every step of the way, and make every effort to get you back on you feet again ASAP.

Helping You Make the Best Decision for Your Situation

The steps you take now can affect your life in many ways for years to come. An attorney at our firm can review your situation and help you decide whether a Chapter 7 bankruptcy or a filing under Chapter13 is right for you. The Law Office of Stephen H. Swift, P.C. is knowledgeable regarding Colorado bankruptcy laws and what can and cannot be done in cases like yours.

We can handle all aspects of your bankruptcy, from start to finish. You can then start rebuilding your credit rating and finances on a more secure basis.

Chapter 7 Bankruptcy

Liquidation of unsecured debts on behalf of hard-working Coloradans. Typically, a Chapter 7 bankruptcy will resolve debt issues within six months of filing.


Liquidation and reduction of debts for people who qualify. A Chapter 13 bankruptcy resolves debt issues through a three to five year payment plan.


Elimination of debts more than three years old through the bankruptcy system. Negotiation of offers-in-compromise with the IRS.


Resolution of disputes involving tax debts, student loans, alleged bankruptcy fraud and other matters.


Helping people retain their homes through bankruptcy filings & providing immediate relief for people threatened with legal action.


Helping small business owners obtain debt relief through Chapter 13 or Chapter 7 bankruptcy filings.